There are not any more drift style cars I like. At least not ones that are not all over the internet already. Either the standards for which vehicles I enjoy have become too narrow and I am not as easily impressed, or people just do not make cars low enough with wheels chrome enough anymore. Sorry everyone who visits this blog to view automobiles.


Jase said...

Cause they arent commited to be cool.

or poor.

just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Scraping low 2008 homie. Get your head out of your ass and peep the hundreds of cars around the country built proper without being low low. That trend was stupid when it started and continues so now. If i lowered my car to within an inch or two off the ground I would have to remove all my areo at the track and have my car look like shit with missing aero while doing what I love. You dont have to be low to have good stance.

Matej said...

My apologies if my post sounded harsh, as it was not meant to. Every now and then; although less and less often; I come across an automobile that happens to be done in a way that I do enjoy, and so I give the owner an e-high-five. As for all the trendy track cars nowadays that do not strike my fancy, I am in no way criticizing them or saying they are not 'proper.' I just do not care about them at all.
People can do whatever they want with their vehicles, everyone has different priorities.
It is cool that you like your car, keep doing what you love. :)

Wood said...

Thats ok, I like the random shit that you post.

Anonymous said...

If you have to whine about your car being too low you must be a fucking peasant.

Anonymous said...



Oscar said...

I fully support this post. People are starting to care to much about being good at drifting instead of just having fun and keeping their cars low.

Anonymous said...

im sorry man i try :/

Anonymous said...

to the guy who said shit about the track...

a LOW LOW drift car is street style. NOT track style - track style is build proper with suspension geometry in mind and all that shit

Street style is the kind of car you do shit to cause you want to, cause it looks sexy as hell, not to be functional. Aero can still look amazing even in a cracked state, you just need matching duct tape/patch tape

Anonymous said...

cars suck. irony doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

used to come here for the cars, now i'm way into the music you post


Anonymous said...

I hate cars anyway.

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